🚨 ATTENTION on Eugenics Trial?

In book: Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials (pp.225-249)

Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials

Also by Paul Julian Weindling

About this book

This book offers a radically new and definitive reappraisal of Allied responses to Nazi human experiments and the origins of informed consent. It places the victims and Allied Medical Intelligence officers at centre stage, while providing a full reconstruction of policies on war crimes and trials related to Nazi medical atrocities and genocide.

  • January 2004


  • Authors:

Paul Weindling


Whether the Medical Trial dealt adequately with race, eugenics and genocide has been a matter of debate. Alexander saw the experiments as driven by an annihilatory creed of race and extermination. Their aim was to induce death, and experiments on poison gas were a test bed for the Final Solution. The genocide operation required experts in physiology, statistics, public health and genetics to weed out racial undesirables.



Physicians further medicalized Nazi ideology by propagating the “science” that formed the foundation of a supposed truth. By portraying or certifying Jews and other peoples as racially, physically, or mentally unfit, physicians and government officials claimed to be cleansing Germany of the hereditarily imperfect and the weak. Nazi physicians rose to power and prestige as they used their skills to treat a supposed “racial” sickness that threatened to contaminate the Volkskörper (body of the German people). Cooperation between the Nazis and health practitioners added powerful justification and facilitated a State-run program of forced sterilization and murder that would have been much harder to accomplish without the willing participation of physicians. What began as purification would ultimately lead to genocide.

A series of recurrent themes arose in Nazi medicine as physicians undertook the mission of cleansing the State: the devaluation and dehumanization of segments of the community, medicalization of social and political problems, training of physicians to identify with the political goals of the government, fear of consequences of refusing to cooperate with civil authority, bureaucratization of the medical role, and the lack of concern for medical ethics and human rights. Nazi physicians viewed the State as their primary “patient”; some came to see quarantine (ghettoization), exclusion (emigration), then extermination of an entire people as “treatment” required for the State’s health. These physicians thought of themselves as “biological soldiers” instead of healers and caretakers.5

The fraud of Abderhalden’s enzymes

Never Again..?!

The involvement of health practitioners in conceptualizing, initiating, and implementing Nazi mass murder remains an unparalleled case of medicine and public health’s participation in genocide.2 By January 1933, more than half of the German medical profession had joined the Nazi Party and many participated in the murder of Jews, Sinti, and Roma; the disabled; the mentally ill; and other “unfit” persons under the guise of improving public health and Rassenhygiene (racial hygiene, the German version of eugenics).3,4

Doctors in Germany became tightly integrated into the Nazi Party and supportive of its ideals. During the Weimar period, a large number of German doctors were unemployed or under-employed and witnessed a decline in their honor and prestige. The Nazi Party seemed like an organization that could reestablish physicians with the power and status they had lost. In 1929, physicians within Germany formed Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Ärtzebund (The National Socialist German Physicians’ League) and unified the goals of physicians and the State. Physicians joined the Nazi Party both earlier and in larger numbers than any other group of professionals. As the historian Michael Kater writes, “Physicians became Nazified more thoroughly and much sooner than any other profession, and as Nazis they did more in service of the nefarious regime than any of their extraprofessional peers.”3(p4–5) By 1942, 38 000 physicians had joined the Nazi Party. In addition, the Nazi Physicians League began a process of removing Jewish physicians from the medical profession in March 1933, and in April 1933 a law was passed forbidding Jewish physician civil servants from practicing medicine at universities and hospitals throughout Germany.3

The justification for Nazi programs involving involuntary euthanasia, forced sterilisation, eugenics and human experimentation were strongly influenced by views about human dignity. The historical development of these views should be examined today because discussions of human worth and value are integral to medical ethics and bioethics. We should learn lessons from how human dignity came to be so distorted to avoid repetition of similar distortions.

The search for an answer must delve into the underlying beliefs commonly held at that time. This investigation is crucial because if those beliefs prevail again we must wonder whether such unconscionable behaviour will likely follow in their path. The origins of the Nazi atrocities do not lie in concentration camps set up by a totalitarian dictatorship. They are rooted in beliefs promoted by particular social philosophies and practices that began in elite and academia circles, university’s and hospitals.

BMC Med Ethics. 2006; 7: 2. Published online 2006 Mar 14

Human dignity in the Nazi era: implications for contemporary bioethics
doi: 10.1186/1472-6939-7-2

PMCID: PMC1484488PMID: 16536874




Why “We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques (mRNA software)to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology the same way in which we write a software and program computers.” Execute Order

Medical Test kits (300215) exports by country | 2018



Rubella testimonies 9h

Stanley Plotkin – Founder of Vaccinations, | Under Oath | Full 9h Video


So I did not know exactly what’s going on but it’s wired and Highly dangerous because it seems as we are back in the 1920…



Why did CDC change its definition for ‘vaccine’?


When the Inventor of an viruses or an replication defective infectious clone are in Place at the texpayer fundet laboratory by CDC or NIH and work at the same time duel-use to create a vaccine or treatment against that „virus“ as an pharmaceutical company I can clearly see a conflict of interest…?!

Because an outbreak can made millions of dollars for the company that are in place…

And the doing good mutated to doing bad!

In the wrong hands you use it As blackmail and bioweapon. And in my opinion this is what we see…

And in my opinion this is what we see…


Investigation: U.S. company bungled Ebola response, March 7, 2016 / 10:48 AM EST / AP


Seeking the Truth: Investigating Moderna’s Chilling Connection to Covid-19’s Origin


But all of this is – dare I say it – academic. Because there are absolutely no viruses which have a CGG doublet in a Furin Cleavage site (PRRAR) except Covid-19 and except plant viruses which Dow Agroscience, Monsanto, or the like, have modified. And whether you are a journalist or a cell biologist or both (like myself) or neither, this article gives you the tools to check that FACT for yourself. 

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/virus/vssi/#/ Search for CCTCGGCGGGCACGT which codes for PRRAR.


Treatments with low dose radiation for medical purposes is increasing worldwide. These procedures are beneficial to the patient. Nevertheless, there is scant awareness of health risk associated with their uncontrolled use. In particular, health risk may be higher in elderly patients due to increased vulnerability and poor recovery of homeostasis following a stress such as low dose radiation exposure.


Italian study on vaccine effectiveness (VE) in kids reports effectiveness dropping to 21% after 43 days.

And this is after applying the 14 days miscategorisation trick where the vaccinated are counted as unvaccinated. So in reality VE is much much lower.


OMIC Technologies and Vaccine Development: From the Identification of Vulnerable Individuals to the Formulation of Invulnerable Vaccines

OMIC Technologies and Vaccine Development: From the Identification of Vulnerable Individuals to the Formulation of Invulnerable Vaccines

Whitney Webb: Bioterror War Games, DARPA, Technocracy & COVID-1984 #143


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  • 31
  • Paul Weindling
  • Ärzte
  • Richter
  • P Weindling

Le procès des médecins allemands. Leur responsabilité dans la technique du génocide

  • Jan 1947
  • 251
  • J M Inbona
  • JM Inbona

Hans Nachtsheim, die Kaninchen von Dahlem und die Kinder von Bullenhuser Damm

  • Jan 2003
  • 245
  • Paul Weindling
  • Genetik Und Menschenversuche In Deutschland
  • P Weindling


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The 2004 Tucson IWG (International Work Group): Charter for the Normalization of Dying, Death and Lo…

May 2005 · OMEGA–Journal of Death and Dying

A group of members of The International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement prepared a draft statement advocating the promotion of a public health perspective in all direct service approaches to end-of-life care. This statement, which we have called a Charter, is reproduced here. This is a draft of work-in-progress. The readers of Omega are invited to contribute their criticism, … [Show full abstract]Read more

Allan Saul


Malaria: Poverty, Race, and Public Health in the United States

February 2002 · Nature Medicine

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Dabney Page Evans


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The Atlanta Journal Constitution Op-Ed: The case for public health hospitals

October 2015

As the race for local and national elections heat up, politicians are devoting more attention to the steadfast campaign issue of health care. It is an appropriate national concern, and public hospitals such as Grady Memorial are vital to the provision of public health programs and medical services.

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Stephanie Alexander
Caroline Fusco


‚You have to do 60 minutes of physical activity per day … I saw it on TV‘: Children’s construction…

June 2015

Public health institutions in many industrialised countries have been launching calls to address childhood obesity. As part of these efforts, Canadian physical activity campaigns have recently introduced children’s play as a critical component of obesity prevention strategies. We consider this approach problematic as it may reshape the meanings and affective experiences of play for children. … [Show full abstract]Read more

Fred Phillips


Public health and aesthetics in the environmental debate

June 1997 · Technological Forecasting and Social Change

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July 2017 · Innovation in Aging

Although frailty is a well-known concept in the health science, its operational definition is still debated. From a diversity of models, two emerged in the early 2000 from epidemiological studies conducted in large population-based aging cohorts: the frailty phenotype (Fried 2001), and the frailty index (Rockwood 1994) measuring the accumulation of deficits and death. These tools have been … [Show full abstract]Read more

Jane de Carlos Santana Capelli


I mostra de vídeos em alimentação infantil em Macaé: atividade extensionista de promoção da alimenta…

March 2015 · Revista Gestão & Saúde

As práticas alimentares saudáveis iniciadas no primeiro ano de vida da criança são incentivadas no campo da saúde pública, pela sua relação positiva com o processo saúde doença. Uma das formas de promover a alimentação saudável ocorre por meio da educação permanente em saúde, tendo-se como uma das estratégias o uso de vídeos educativos voltados ao tema. Objetivou-se divulgar os principais … [Show full abstract]Read more


[The 1817 outbreak of louse-borne typhus in the Leghorn area (Tuscany): relationship between Authori…

February 2002 · Igiene e Sanita Pubblica

The authors recall the louse-borne typhus that took place in Leghorn in 1817. They analyse its causes and the health measures adopted to face it. Out of the historical reconstruction, there arise some issues on both the coming up again of such risk and the role played by health measures. Data concern the chronicles and the medical literature of those days. The method adopted implies comparison … [Show full abstract]Read more


Public health: A policy for inequalities

September 2005

The gross inequalities in health that we see within and between countries are a challenge for the world. There are great differences in life expectancy, up to 48 years between countries and up to 20 years within countries. A volume of researches identify social factors at the root of inequalities in health. Social determinants are equally important in establishing communicable and … [Show full abstract]Read more


¡Medicina Sí Muerte No!: Race, Public Health, and the “Long War on Poverty” in Mathis, Texas, 1948–1…

December 2013 · Western Historical Quarterly

This essay examines the evolution and politics of the Chicano movement in South Texas. Framed around the mysterious death of Dr. Fred E. Logan Jr., the author argues that concerns around public health were at the heart of a long struggle to end poverty and overturn years of Anglo political rule in the small town of Mathis. 

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Roger Peres


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Educação ambiental na visão de docentes da saúde coletiva: um estudo descritivo-exploratório

September 2014 · Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a visão dos docentes da saúde coletiva sobre a educação ambiental. Método: estudo qualitativo, do tipo descritivo-exploratório, realizado com oito professores da saúde coletiva de uma instituição de ensino superior do sul do Brasil, intencionalmente selecionados. Os dados foram coletados nos meses de agosto a outubro de 2011, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e … [Show full abstract]View full-text

Mark Tibbett


GM sanctions

March 1999 · The New Scientist

I was disheartened to read the thinly veiled threats made by the heads of leading biotechnology companies about future investment in British bioscience in the light of the outcry about GM crops (This Week, 27 February, p 7). Comments such as “Britain is not the only place where you can do research” and “It will harm investment in the UK” are doubtless meant to coerce scientists into supporting … [Show full abstract]Read more

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