Scottish Covid Inquiry

Keeping the elderly in care is a very expensive venture. It was claimed they had to be „protected“.

Please watch bevor you judge!

And think twice

before you censor the truth

that matters for Me&You

& PlanetBlue 🕊

In fact what happened to residents in long term care homes was lethal.

Scottish COVID-19 inquiry|feature length highlights reel

A 15 minute compilation of harrowing Scottish COVID inquiry testimonies with lawyers and families. Period covered from October 2023 till May 2024.


This work is the culmination of months of independent citizen led journalism. By and large these testimonies have either been poorly covered by the mainstream media or ignored altogehter inclusive of the so called alternative media. MSPs have said absolultely nothing !

Credit to TNT Radio for showing an interest. The only alternative media platform that has spoken about many of these harrowing testimonies and the implications with regards to excess deaths during the pandemic.

A rare Scottish account also covering the inquiry is worth a visit and follow on X. @TheRustler83 and on substack Freedom Podcast

Please share as widely as possible. Free download link here-

NB-I removed the video with music as this was causing issue for some people.

Scottish COVID-19|feature length highlights reel-PART-2

MAY 15, 2024

An extended 27mins highlight reel featuring eye opening testimony from the CEO of Scottish Care, third sector organisations, unions and care home managers.

Following on from my prior compilation featuring lawyers and real people bereaved or adversly effected by the pandemic i have compiled further testimony highlights from the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry. The focus here is on Third Sector organisations, Unions, Scottish Care and remarkable comments made by care home managers who all consistently and in detail reveal the severe and harrowing impact lockdown restrictions not the virus accrued on the most vulnerable.

NB: 93% of all ‘COVID’ deaths in Scotland were in people with AT LEAST one pre-existing condition.

Parts 1 and 2 are the culmination of 6 months of real grassroots independent citizen led journalism and when viewed together form an ultimate compilation to show people and politicians what really occured during the lockdowns. 

Why is the media not covering this ? Why are MPs/MSPs silent ? Are they all THIS detatched from reality or is something more sinister going on ?

Despite the harms from lockdowns MSPs are happy to repeat the policy. No WHO treaty required in Scotland as MSPs passed permanent lockdown laws in 2022.

As before, please comment and share as widely as possible.

Free video download link-

Please given credit if used.


Scottish COVID-19 inquiry Impact hearing| Health and social care|23 May 2024 (afternoon session)


Today’s session features NHS Glasgow porter and union representative for UNITE Neil Gray. Mr.Gray works within the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Extended highlights featured below. I will upload further details located within Mr.Gray’s statement when made available.

Start of the pandemic

‘‘At first as you remember it you and your colleagues were not getting COVID.’’

Reply- ‘Not at first.’ ——NO TEST=NO COVID.——??

‘‘They thought the workload was going to be higher…it turned out we we weren’t really needed.’’

‘‘Alot of patients were discharged out of the hospital either to home or care homes…the workload was definetely not as bad.’’

‘‘Your everyday general medicine patients…we we used to these wards being full to capacity most days..but you’d go into those wards and they’d be half empty.’’

‘‘We had lots of free down time.’’

Even WITH ‘COVID’ patients wards still remained below normal capacity.

‘‘Gradually the workload would increase but still wouldn’t be anywhere near a normal day.’’

As one can see compared to pre pandemic rates EMERGENCY depts in the Royal Infirmary were missing around 5,000 patients per month during the 2020 lockdown. Even by May the peak monthly admission rate was upto 4,500 patients up from 3,500 in March.

Total monthly admissions as follows:

April+May 2019=16,565

April+May 2020=8,067

A 50% decrease in pre pandemic rates. 

Below is planned operations (70% below normal) and emergency admissions (37% below normal) for the whole of NHS Glasgow 2020-2023.


According to National Records of Scotland only 4 porters died in 2020 ‘involving’ COVID-19 i suspect from an employed workforce in the thousands.

Designated ‘‘COVID’’ wards

‘‘If one patient had COVID in a ward then that ward would become a COVID contact ward you couldn’t place patients in there.’’

‘‘Wards were changing sometimes you’d come in the morning but by the afternoon it was a COVID ward because someone tested positive.’’

‘‘You wouldn’t know you were going into a COVID ward at first unless you were told.’’

First ‘COVID case’ in a porter. 

‘‘My first recollection of a porter with COVID was August 2020.’’

Did ‘half empty’ wards lead to the following dance routines recorded up and down the UK in 2020?

‘‘We had lots of free down time.’’ – Neil Gray-NHS Glasgow porter

I could find no mainstream media articles of this testimony.



Full video-Scottish COVID-19 inquiry-Youtube-Impact hearing | Health and social care | 23 May 2024 (afternoon session)

The license to kill

Medical coder Zowe Smith says that, first of all, many hospitalized ‘COVID’ patients did not have a flu-like disease at all. They were in hospital for something totally unrelated, such as gallbladder inflammation. They received their ‘COVID’ diagnosis through a medically totally invalid means, namely repeated tests with a hyper-oversensitive PCR test that has no diagnostic value.

Second of all, what really injured and killed ‘COVID’ patients was not the ‘virus’ but the treatment they received (for the disease they did not have), specifically early intubation and remdesivir.

„I was a paycheck“ – Who paid hospitals to kill people?

COVID Lockdowns Were a Giant Experiment. It Was a Failure.


My Point of View

No Person or artificial algorithm or even all money and all the smartest people in the world together have the capacity or the potential to create a vaccine in 100 days that is safe and effective!

Nobody and nothing can do this!

Because the timeframe is the Clou of safe and effective that allows the professional and carefully acting scientist to study and proof the material of his outcomes.

To Take Time means you take care and that costs a lot of money, clearly!

So you can’t change the direction and put the same money in a shorter time periode to have the same Result of Quality!

Thats is physically Impossible and in the real world of good manufacturing practice Undisputed!

Quantity and Quality are firmly connected to each other in an inesitable relationship. Like the Moon to the Earth or Quantum mechanics. That means if you change a composition on the one side you always change the direction at the other side!

Why did CDC change its definition for ‘vaccine’?

Testimony Anthony Fauci:

Hearing on Live Anthrax Shipments

Judicial Watch: Records Show Funding for EcoHealth/Wuhan Institute Research to Create Coronavirus ‘Mutants’

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 552 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which include the initial grant application and annual reports to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from EcoHealth Alliance, describing the aim of its work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in … Continue reading

Judicial Watch: Records Show Funding for EcoHealth/Wuhan Institute Research to Create Coronavirus ‘Mutants’

Global Vaccine Action Plan


Decade of Vaccines Collaboration
The DoV Collaboration brought together diverse stakeholders to develop the GVAP to stimulate the discovery, development and delivery of lifesaving vaccines. The plan builds on the success of current work to transform the way vaccines move from formulation, to factory, to families.

The Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP)—endorsed by the 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly in May 2012—is a roadmap to prevent millions of deaths by 2020 through more equitable access to vaccines for people in all communities. The GVAP aims to strengthen routine immunization, introduce new and improved vaccines, and advance research and development for the next generation of vaccines and technologies.

Why is the link from the official WHO website not available?

Covid-19 Vaccine Expert Panel Briefing to the Massachusetts Legislature and Public Health Officials

World Health Assembly 77 in May 2024

This is worse than every dictatorship in the past!


WHO’s #GlobalPowerGrab is a must watch two-part film featuring over 100 health advocates and politicians speaking out about the WHO-facilitated corporate power grab. This powerful public interest film was created, compiled and launched in South Africa in 2024, ahead of WHO’s World Health Assembly 77 in May.
This informative and empowering film – which includes excerpts from news, interviews and conferences – highlights:

  • What is the WHO? Who funds it, where are the hidden conflicts of interests?
  • Who is its director-general Tedros? How did he come to power, despite his controversial history and protests?
  • Understanding the WHO’s Power Grab through constantly changing but legally binding IHR 2005 amendments + a proposed new pandemic treaty
  • How does this power grab connect to the New World Order and the agenda to erode democracy through global governance?
  • How are a growing number of politicians responding internationally? Is this an elections, voting and boycott issue?
  • What about the role of mainstream media and factcheckers in censorship, misinformation and disinformation?
  • How can We The People resist this global corporate coup? What actions can we take nationally and internationally?

Review 1, Age 18: „If I didn’t know anything about the WHO-lead power grab, this film would bring me up to speed quickly and help me realise why we must resist in every country, and exit the WHO in 2024.“

Review 2, age 67: „WHO’s demand for unfettered power (behind secret doors) through organized tyranny must be challenged. It will override every country’s health laws and systems through a one world order which will become legally binding, eroding every human being’s personal freedom through oppression, mass surveillance, enslavement, and totalitarianism. If not challenged, this will be the order of the day and a dystopian future awaits all of us. Fascism comes to mind, which is rooted in the unfettered demand to be subjugated by corporations. A most frightening thought, unless we stand up collectively to rally against it. Wake up!“

WHO’s Global Power Grab (Part 1 and 2) features visuals of or content from:

A. The following films:

  1. Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda :
  2. Climate: The Movie :
  3. Plandemic II : Indoctornation :
  4. The Big Reset movie :
  5. The New Normal’ Happen Network :
  6. Never Again Is Now Global :
  7. Oracle Films – ‘Safe and Effective – a Second Opinion’ :
  8. Painkiller Series :

B. The following people and/or organisations:

Before considering using Wikipedia or sponsored fact-checkers, watch and

Queries and Collaboration:


Lets fetz the Corona Bubble

Bioethics in the Nazi area


Dr Tess Lawrie is a medical researcher who specialises in evidence synthesis. She has been a frequent member of technical teams responsible for developing international guidelines including for the World Health Organization (WHO). She surrendered her WHO consultancy during the Covid era when she recognised their criminal and harmful actions. She has started a number of groups including the World Council for Health ( She is also intimately involved in the much-needed development of a revolutionary new health system to replace the corporatised global systems being put in place by the WHO.

She gave this presentation to a press conference at the World Council for Health in Estonia this week, explaining the processes being used by WHO to establish a globalised biosecurity state based on corrupted and criminalised biowarfare.

No Powers to WHO!

Reggie Littlejohn is a Yale University Law School graduate with a background in human rights law. She is an acclaimed international expert on China’s One Child Policy.

She is the co-founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, who fight against forced abortion and sexual slavery in totalitarian states such as China. Read more here:

Reggie is also co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, a non-partisan group determined to protect and defend U.S. national sovereignty and personal medical freedom. See more here:

She is also co-founder and co-chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force, dedicated to sounding the alarm about the dangers of digital IDs. See more here:

Reggie is well placed to understand the legal frameworks being put into place at the World Health Organization to establish global governance. Specifically the treaty, or accord (which repeatedly changes name in an attempt to cause confusion) – a new framework – and amendments to the existing International Health Regulations (IHR), which are being altered to such a degree that they will also form a brand new piece of legislation.

Separate committees made up of unelected bureaucrats from member nations are involved in the drafting of these pieces of legislation, largely behind closed doors. Most national citizens have no idea that this is happening and the bureaucrats involved are mostly not easily identified by name. The intent is to override national laws.

Viruses and bacteria are symbiotic to human health, and without them there would be no human life. They live in and on our bodies, and our environment, as part of our natural ecology. Searching for them and claiming them to be deadly regardless of individual circumstance has been developed as a business model for control and profit. This model relies on fear. World Health Organization, most of whose funding now comes from corporations who profit from the business model, is attempting to become the global governance body for „health“ in order to make this model the standard for „health care“ across the globe. It will use public money channeled into private enterprise for „research and development“ for new products which populations will be required via international legislation to consume.

Part of the plan is to build laboratories in every nation, at taxpayer expense, to seek out viruses „of pandemic potential“ which gain-of-function researchers can study the properties of and modify to increase pathogenic potential. A Pathogens Access and Benefits Sharing Scheme (PABS) is part of the treaty legislation being established, which will require laboratories to share information for profit, on newly identified pathogens to be used for gain of function purposes. Gain of function is a modern day term for biological warfare. Existing safety measures are being disbanded and there will be minimal regulation around who can access these pathogens.

Learn more about the Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations – and why they must be opposed – here:

In the name of „health“ mass harm is being imposed for the benefit of a few. Public health has been weaponised and „we“ are the targets. We have the power to stop it, but only once enough people understand what is happening. Part of the weaponisation involves the use of propagandised language such as „conspiracy theory“, „anti vaxxer“, „misinformation“ and „disinformation“. If you hear these terms then you can be sure it is worthwhile investigating the issue further.

World Council for Health are central to this fight, and they held a live press conference in Estonia on 6 May 2024 to highlight the current threat to human rights via the World Health Organization plans. This was Reggie Littlejohn’s presentation at the conference.

VIDEO SOURCE (from around 40 minutes):


MRC-5 contained in Priorix Tetra – Complete genome sequencing

Disorientations during the Covid pandemic came from trusted authorities such as governments and their agents, and large institutions such as World Health Organization (WHO). Almost all of them contradicted basic public health, and even their own recommendations such as WHO’s 2019 systematic review of evidence on responding to a viral respiratory pathogen which specifically stated against such measures as border closures, quarantine of healthy people and contact tracing, all of which are known to have no impact on transmission of airborne viruses whilst also creating enormous disruption to health outcomes in other ways.

One of the most obvious lies told by governments and their representatives, was the claim of „95% effective“. This video shows how this claim was used dishonestly. The Pfizer trial only tested efficacy for the first two months, after which vaccine effectiveness plummets, and ultimately leads to negative efficacy, meaning that the vaccinated are more likely to develop Covid than the unvaccinated. If you are seeing a lot of „Covid“ (which is not a disease requiring clinical diagnostic skill) now, then negative efficacy amongst the vaccinated is likely the reason why.

Why did governments do this to their own people? To answer this question you must look towards the financial reset being planned.

Carter H, Drury J, Rubin GJ, Williams R, Amlôt R. Applying crowd psychology to develop recommendations for the management of mass decontamination. Health security. 2015;13(1):45-53.

There are many elephants in the room with regards to the official narrative of Covid-19. Perhaps the biggest of all, is the uncertainty surrounding the existence of SARS-CoV-2. Many scientists know this to be true, but don’t want to go near the subject, through fear of reproach.

In this heavily-researched and cited interview with Dr. Kevin Corbett, we discuss the alleged isolation and purification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the efficacy of PCR Tests, the many historical parallels of Covid-19 with HIV/AIDS and other epidemics, and so much more.

Dr. Kevin P Corbett is a qualified nurse, health scientist and educator for the health professions. He has researched peoples‘ experiences of medical diagnosis and treatments for chronic health conditions, including HIV and AIDS. He has worked in hospital, community and forensic medical services since 1983, and in health sciences research since 1987.

Respect Me&You & PlanetBlue 🕊

4 Antworten zu „Scottish Covid Inquiry”.

  1. […] US covid-19 ventilation policy: made in China? A Brief History of the Emergency Use Authorization How and Why Non-investigational EUA Countermeasures flood the Market Scottish Covid Inquiry […]


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