Why we not aware of the massive amount of damage from the scientific and medical community in the past?



A Warning of the past
For the courage of our time
For a future in Grace in Dignity

The search for an answer must delve into the underlying beliefs commonly held at that time. This investigation is crucial because if those beliefs prevail again we must wonder whether such unconscionable behaviour will likely follow in their path. The origins of the Nazi atrocities do not lie in concentration camps set up by a totalitarian dictatorship. They are rooted in beliefs promoted by particular social philosophies and practices that began in elite and academia circles and spill over to practice in university’s and hospitals.

BMC Med Ethics. 2006; 7: 2. Published online 2006 Mar 14. doi:10.1186/1472-6939-7-2

PMCID: PMC1484488PMID: 16536874

Human dignity in the Nazi era: implications for contemporary bioethics
doi: 10.1186/1472-6939-7 -2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1484488/



You can’t keep a bad idea down: Dark history, death, and potential rebirth of eugenics

First published: 17 December 2021


Citations: 6

Be careful what you wish for”: This adage guides both how this project came to life, and how the topic covered in this review continues to unfold. What began as talks between two friends on shared interests in military history led to a 4-year discussion about how our science curriculum does little to introduce our students to societal and ethical impacts of the science they are taught. What emerged was a curricular idea centered on how “good intentions” of some were developed and twisted by others to result in disastrous consequences of state-sanctioned eugenics. In this article, we take the reader (as we did our students) through the long and soiled history of eugenic thought, from its genesis to the present. Though our focus is on European and American eugenics, we will show how the interfaces and interactions between science and society have evolved over time but have remained ever constant. Four critical ‚case studies‘ will also be employed here for deep, thoughtful exploration on a particular eugenic issue. The goal of the review, as it is with our course, is not to paint humanity with a single evil brush. Instead, our ambition is to introduce our students/readers to the potential for harm through the misapplication and misappropriation of science and scientific technology, and to provide them with the tools to ask the appropriate questions of their scientists, physicians, and politicians.


Let us begin with two quotes:

“The demand that it should be made impossible for defective people to continue to propagate defective offspring is a demand that is based on most reasonable grounds, and its proper fulfillment is the most humane task that mankind has to face. Unhappy and undeserved suffering in millions of cases will be spared, with the result that there will be a gradual improvement in national health.” – A.H. (written in 1924)

“The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the Feeble-Minded and Insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate…I feel that the source from which the stream of madness is fed should be cut off and sealed up before another year has passed.” – W.C. (written in 1910)

The first quote is from Adolf Hitler (Figure 1; Hitler, 1939), and the second from Winston Churchill (Churchill, 1910). Though it seems almost trite to quote Hitler in an article about eugenics, it is a jarring juxtaposition to read the eugenic screed written from then British Home Secretary Churchill to Prime Minister H.H. Asquith. Hitler’s words in Mein Kampf, setting aside our historical knowledge of the genocidal outcomes of his embrace of eugenics, seem almost tame and reasoned in comparison to Churchill’s sanist, ableist, racist, and nationalist rhetoric.

Details are in the caption following the image
FIGURE 1Open in figure viewerPowerPointCaption

How could Winston Churchill, a man generally held in high esteem for his leadership and defense of freedom and liberty in the face of genocidal fascism, hold beliefs fundamentally not all that different from Adolf Hitler? How did societal anxieties, fears, and ‚-isms‘ (hereafter when we use -ism(s), we are referring to the broad assemblage of belief-based biases and prejudices that impact human interactions and society) feed eugenic ideas of the late 19th/early 20th century (all time period references are CE unless otherwise noted)? How did notions of ‚race‘ that had hardened since the Enlightenment influence eugenic thought? What role did science and the scientific community play in eugenic beliefs and policies; those both democratic and totalitarian in tenor and application? And if we contextualize into the present: Has the 21st century embrace of assisted reproductive technology (ART), pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), prenatal genetic testing, and gene editing technologies (i.e., TALENs, ZFNs, and CRISPR) fed a resurgence of eugenic thought? Can we use science to create a better humanity? If so, how? More importantly, should we?

My Recommendation – Please read the whole paper for yourself:





No Person or artificial algorithm or even all money and all the smartest people in the world together have the capacity or the potential to create a vaccine in 100 days that is safe and effective!

Nobody and nothing can do this!

Because the timeframe is the Clou of safe and effective that allows the professional and carefully acting scientist to study and proof the material of his outcomes.

To Take Time means you take care and that costs a lot of money, clearly!

So you can’t change the direction and put the same money in a shorter time periode to have the same Result of Quality!

Thats is physically Impossible and in the real world of good manufacturing practice Undisputed!

Quantity and Quality are firmly connected to each other in an inesitable relationship. Like the Moon to the Earth or Quantum mechanics. That means if you change a composition on the one side you always change the direction at the other side!

Why we have reached the point where we have forgotten the simplest things such as logical thinking and lost touch with reality?

Vaccine development 8-17 years

Inventor Dr.David Martin about the Vaccine that is actually Gene-Therapy-Technology https://banned.video/watch?id=60076fda8c03b74ce0e2f6f5

Patents proof the truth https://www.m-cam.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/20200403_SARS_CoV_Patent_Corpus_Lit_Review.pdf

The 4 Patents that brings it all down;


Novel lipids and lipid nanoparticle
formulations for delivery of nucleic acids

A61K48/0033 Medicinal preparations containing genetic material which is inserted into cells of the living body to treat genetic diseases;

Gene therapy characterised by an aspect of the ’non-active‘ part of the composition delivered, e.g. wherein such ’non-active‘ part is not delivered simultaneously with the ‚active‘ part of the composition wherein the non-active part clearly interacts with the delivered nucleic acid the non-active part being non-polymeric


RNA Formulation for Immunotherapy

Inventor: Ugur Sahin Heinrich Haas Sebastian Kreiter Mustafa Diken Daniel Fritz Martin Meng Lena Mareen Kranz Kerstin Reuter

CurrentAssignee: TRON Translationale Ökologie an der Universitaetsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz gGmbH Biontech SE

Abstract: The present invention is in the field of immunotherapy, in particular tumor immunotherapy. The present invention provides pharmaceutical formulations for delivering RNA to antigen presenting cells such as dendrite cells (DCs) in the spleen after systemic administration. In particular, the formulations described herein enable to induce an immune response after systemic administration of antigen-coding RNA.




Mutation or genetic engineering;

DNA or RNA concerning genetic engineering, vectors, e.g. plasmids, or their isolation, preparation or purification; Use of hosts therefor

LNP patent – Gene Therapy

Acuitas – LNP Patent is Gene therapy -> US20170119904A1

Biontech – PEG Patent is Gene Therapy -> US20200085974A1

Curevac – RNA Vaccine -> WO2012116715A1 -> Gene Therapy -> Vaccine at least one mRNA encoding one antigen.

Doses; One 2 3 or even more -> Filed over 10 years ago in 2011.

Woody Harrelson about lockdown’s and big pharma

Crimes against Humanity

2 https://history.nih.gov/display/history/Nuremberg+Code

3 https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/war-and-law/treaties-customary-law/geneva-conventions/overview-geneva-conventions.htm

4 https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights

5 https://www.un.org/development/desa/indigenouspeoples/wp-content/uploads/sites/19/2018/11/UNDRIP_E_web.pdf

6 https://exopolitics.blogs.com/international_criminal_co/2020/12/judgment-of-the-tribunal-in-the-matter-of-genocidal-technologies-pandemic-on-the-indictment-genocide-crimes-against-human.html#more

Unlawful Experimentation

Wilful misconduct

Material breach of contract

Multinational Corporate Bio and Chemical Terrorisme

UN Security resolution 1373



1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be

so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that, before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person, which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study, that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.

4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

5. No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.

8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

9. During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end, if he has reached the physical or mental state, where continuation of the experiment seemed to him to be impossible.

10. During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgement required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

[„Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10“, Vol. 2, pp. 181-182. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949.]

So i didn’t know exactly what’s going on but it’s wired and Highly dangerous because it seems as we are back in 1930 … and we are all on the way to the final evolution solution…

Here for example a new binding document from the self empowered WHO that means Informed Consent is no more possible!? Because they decided what is right and what is wrong and healthy or unhealthy. Absolutely Alarming 🚨

9789289061148-eng.pdf (‎2.941MB)‎

It is essential for policy-makers to have a reliable and clear picture of how health is distributed in a given population, and what indicators contribute to or reduce opportunities to be healthy. Therefore, the surveillance of population health and well-being is the first of ten essential public health operations defined by WHO. WHO has a long tradition of providing support to Member States to strengthen their health information systems (‎HISs)‎. Support tool to strengthen health information systems, is only one of WHO tools which provides guidance for HIS assessment and strategy development.The tool was first published in 2015, and an updated version was published in 2021. Current edition contains refined assessment methodology for the core module and four new add-on modules – Emergency response information management system, Geographic information system, Long-term care, and Migration health data – complementing the add-on modules included in the 2021 update (‎Health data governance, Health information for the Thirteenth General Programme of Work and the European Programme of Work 2020–2025, Human resources for health, Infectious disease surveillance, and Noncommunicable diseases monitoring)‎.The tool has two main parts: guidance for performing an assessment of a full HIS and guidance for the subsequent development of an HIS strategy. The assessment methodology aims to achieve a good balance between data collection and actual data use and reflects the growing importance of electronic health records and other digital solutions. Add-on modules provide support for a more in-depth assessment of specific functions of HISs. Based on the outcomes of the assessment, the tool describes a stepwise and practical approach for HIS strategy development. The HIS assessment item sheets that are part of the assessment methodology are also available in the form of an excel sheet and published as a separate Web Annex.

World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. (‎2024)‎. Support tool to strengthen health information systems: guidance for health information system assessment and strategy development, second edition. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. https://iris.who.int/handle/10665/376978. Lizenz: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO


Genocide never just happens. There is always a set of circumstances which occur or which are created to build the climate in which genocide can take place.

Gregory H Stanton, President of Genocide Watch developed the 10 stages of genocide which explains the different stages which lead to genocide. At each of the earlier stages there is an opportunity for members of the community or the International Community to halt the stages and stop genocide before it happens.

The ten stages of genocide

Click here to download a PDF copy of the ten stages of genocide poster.

The whole text you can find here: https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/

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Images Of
Medical Treatments
Through History

We forget how young medicine is.

By Erin Schumaker

Jan 8, 2016

A chest X-ray in progress at Dr. Maxime Menard's radiology department at the Cochin hospital in Paris, circa 1914. Mendard would later lose his finger to side effects from operating the X-ray machine.
A chest X-ray in progress at Dr. Maxime Menard’s radiology department at the Cochin hospital in Paris, circa 1914. Mendard would later lose his finger to side effects from operating the X-ray machine.

When Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the X-ray in 1895, the New York Times was so skeptical that the paper referred to the medical breakthrough as the „alleged discovery of how to photograph the invisible.“ 

It also took a long time to figure out how use the technology safely. A French physician, Dr. Maxime Menard, had to have his finger amputated when he developed cancer from frequent exposure to radiation while manning an X-ray machine. https://d-38727274601314777894.ampproject.net/2405300626000/nameframe.html

(In a striking juxtaposition to modern medicine, Menard smoked a cigarette while his offending finger was surgically removed.)

We forget how young modern medicine is. The fetal ultrasound wasn’t developed until 1959. Penicillin wasn’t discovered until 1928. And when the 1918 flu pandemic approached New York City — less than 100 years ago — top medical minds were convinced the illness arrived on waves of „bad air.“

Or was it even after all just a bacterial infection?

The poignant story of the Radium Girls – how their deadly tragedy was used to change the world

May 28, 2016 Brad Smithfield

During the early 20th century, little was known about radioactive elements. In 1898, Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, discovered two such elements in their experiments―radium and polonium. In 1902, samples of radium were given to an American inventor and scientist, William Hammer, who experimented with its use in medicine.

Since its discovery, radium has been perceived as a possible cure for cancer, and as such was largely perceived as a healthy element with little or no negative side effects whatsoever. This led to a fad in products intended for home use, such as radium-enriched water, toothpaste, lipsticks, cosmetics, and a number of drugs that claimed to cure everything from arthritis to high blood pressure.

Luckily, all these products contained a very low amount of radium, which rendered them harmless. Whether they indeed cured all of the above-mentioned diseases is very doubtful, but one thing became apparent during the years of meddling with this dangerous substance―as radium decays and comes in contact with other elements, it reacts by releasing a glow.

Pierre and Marie Curie in the laboratory
Pierre and Marie Curie in the laboratory

In the meantime, Dr. Sabin Arnold von Sochocky discovered a way to produce special paint mixed with radium and other substances and registered it under the brand name UnDark. The patent soon found its purpose with the U.S. military, which used it to illuminate numbers and dials used for watches so they could glow in the dark.

In 1917, the U.S. entered the war, thus shifting the main workforce from men to women. The factories employed local women to paint clocks with deadly radium paint. These women were paid substantially more than other factory workers, but were not instructed in any possible side-effects of radium, causing most of them to suffer from radiation poisoning in the years to follow.

The clocks painted with radium were mainly produced in three factories, under different companies. The first was in New Jersey, second in Illinois, and the third in Connecticut.

Even though there were several companies in the radium paint business, the United States Radium Corporation (USRC), with its factory based in Orange, New Jersey, would gain the most notoriety concerning the neglect of workers’ health, as it would be the first to encounter radiation poisoning among their work staff.


Radium dial painters working in a factory
Radium dial painters working in a factory

While the employers and the higher staff had some limited knowledge of the dangers the mysterious element contained, the workers had none.

The chemists used lead screens, masks and other pieces of protective equipment while working with radium, clearly aware of the potential consequences.

During the same time, the girls working in the factories were even encouraged to lick the tip of their radium-contaminated brushes that were used to paint the numbers and dials, so that the brush would gain a finer point.

Completely unaware of the dangers concerning radium, around 4,000 women hired by various radium-dial companies were poisoning themselves on a daily basis. The glow-in-the-dark paint was perceived as so harmless that the women would goof around, painting their lips and nails with it. Until the first symptoms of poisoning began to surface.

By 1925, death was creeping into the USRC facilities. The company’s chief chemist, Dr. Edwin E. Leman, died from radiation poisoning, together with several female workers.

Others were showing symptoms of anemia, bone fractures, and necrosis of the jaw―a condition that became known as the radium jaw. The early X-ray machines used to establish the diagnosis of the incoming patients only made things worse, as the exposure to radiation furthered the advance of the disease.

Watch face illuminated by tritium tubes. Author: Autopilot CC BY 2.5
Watch face illuminated by tritium tubes. Author: Autopilot CC BY 2.5

A competitor company called Radium Dial Corporation, based in Illinois, was beginning to suffer the same fate as USRC. Cases like this began to appear in Canada as well. The truth was out, and there was no way to contain it.

The corporations, together with their military contractor, were trying to reduce the damage that had been done. It was later determined that at least one of the examinations conducted on the factory workers was fake, in order to show that there was no radiation poisoning at hand, simply a viral infection.

Also, the companies were instructing the medical professionals conducting the examinations to keep quiet about their discoveries. In order to further cover it up, the symptoms were attributed to syphilis, which was still a widespread sexually transmitted disease at the time.

Back in the 1920s, people thought that drinking radium- and thorium- infused water was healthy Author: Sam LaRussa CC BY-SA 2.0
Back in the 1920s, people thought that drinking radium- and thorium- infused water was healthy Author: Sam LaRussa CC BY-SA 2.0

Litigation by the women affected by radium soon followed. It received widespread media coverage and support from the public, even though it proved fairly difficult to take on corporations such as United States Radium Corp. and Radium Dial. In addition to the hardships of pursuing lawsuits, many of the workers were already bedridden by the time the court session was scheduled in January 1928.

Five women who managed to testify―Grace Fryer, Edna Hussman, Katherine Schaub, and sisters Quinta McDonald and Albina Larice―were dubbed by the media as the Radium Girls. The term soon applied to all of the radium-dial female factory workers.

It was a slow-moving case, as the court was often pressured to rule in favor of the companies. In the end, justice triumphed, even though it was too late for many of the affected.

The court ruled that each woman would receive $10,000 (equivalent to $139,000 in 2016) and another 600 per year annuity plus $12 a week for all of their lives (equivalent to $8,400 in 2016) while they lived. All medical and legal expenses incurred would also be paid by the company.

Ad for Radior cosmetics which the manufacturer claimed contained radium. The radium was supposed to have health benefits for one’s skin. Powders, skin creams and soap were part of this line, which was made in London and also sold in the US.

Legal precedents were made due to the large public and media support, which established many labor safety standards in the U.S. that are still in force to this day.

Scientific research also thrived from this case as the Radium Girls unfortunately and unknowingly tested the limits of the tolerance level for radioactive substances.

The level of radiation some of the women endured is simply incredible. To this day, more than 80 years later, the graves of the Radium Girls cause a Geiger counter to go ballistic when turned on above the ground.

Related story from us: The Radium Ore Revigator was a pseudo-scientific medical device used to infuse drinking water with radium

Despite all of this, the establishment of the occupational disease labor law and safety standards didn’t forbid the use of radium paint until the 1960s―it only required the workers’ safety equipment, which minimized their exposure to radioactivity.

Brad Smithfield

Brad Smithfield is one of the authors writing for The Vintage News


Same Script…!?


Childbirth in 1939 meant inhaling anesthesia during labor:

In an effort to make childbirth as painless as possible, a patient inhales analgesia during labor whilst a nurse looks over her in July 1939.
In an effort to make childbirth as painless as possible, a patient inhales analgesia during labor whilst a nurse looks over her in July 1939.

And 1939 oxygen masks were one-size-fits-all:

Administering oxygen to a newborn in Berlin, Germany, July 1939.
Administering oxygen to a newborn in Berlin, Germany, July 1939.

The iron lung helped people who couldn’t breath on their own in 1938:

A patient lying in an artificial respiration machine called an iron lung, circa 1938.
A patient lying in an artificial respiration machine called an iron lung, circa 1938.

So did a 1938 respiratory jacket:

Nurses practice operating a respiratory jacket that performs a similar function to an iron lung, circa 1938.
Nurses practice operating a respiratory jacket that performs a similar function to an iron lung, circa 1938.


This is what the inside of an oxygen tent looked like in 1937:

A young patient, Gerald Blackburn, in an oxygen tent at Princess Beatrice Hospital, circa 1937.
A young patient, Gerald Blackburn, in an oxygen tent at Princess Beatrice Hospital, circa 1937.

A medicated fog was used to treated cold and flu symptoms in 1929:

A woman using an electric inhaling apparatus which produces a medicated fog used in the treatment of colds and influenza, circa 1929.
A woman using an electric inhaling apparatus which produces a medicated fog used in the treatment of colds and influenza, circa 1929.

Patients inhaled powdered medicines to heal respiratory disease in 1930:

Patients at a hospital in Germany inhaling powdered medicines such as menthol and eucalyptus to heal respiratory diseases, circa 1930.
Patients at a hospital in Germany inhaling powdered medicines such as menthol and eucalyptus to heal respiratory diseases, circa 1930.

What a flu mask looked like in 1919:

A woman wearing a flu mask during the flu epidemic which followed the First World War, 1919.
A woman wearing a flu mask during the flu epidemic which followed the First World War, 1919.


And what an anesthesia machine looked like in 1913:

R. Dubois anesthetizing machine in France, circa 1913.
R. Dubois anesthetizing machine in France, circa 1913.

An early fitness test in 1932: 

Lieutenant Radtke presses air into his lungs in a constant height with a mercury column, while the doctor checks his blood presssure, circa 1932.
Lieutenant Radtke presses air into his lungs in a constant height with a mercury column, while the doctor checks his blood presssure, circa 1932.

Sun lamp therapy for children in 1929:

Children using a light bath in Berlin, Germany circa 1929.
Children using a light bath in Berlin, Germany circa 1929.

And for adults in 1930:

A man enjoys a sun-ray lamp, circa 1930.
A man enjoys a sun-ray lamp, circa 1930.

A hip massage machine in 1928: 

The new 'hip massage machine' from the United States, circa 1928.
The new ‚hip massage machine‘ from the United States, circa 1928.

People tried to stretch themselves taller in 1931:

Post Office Department Inspector DF Angier (left) and Dr. LF Kebler, formerly of the Food and Drug Administration, try out a stretching device which claimed to increase height by 2 to 6 inches, 1931.
Post Office Department Inspector DF Angier (left) and Dr. LF Kebler, formerly of the Food and Drug Administration, try out a stretching device which claimed to increase height by 2 to 6 inches, 1931.

Getting frostbite and rheumatism therapy in 1910:

A patient recuperating in the spa town of Harrogate is wired up to an electric machine used for the cure of frostbite and rheumatism, circa 1910.
A patient recuperating in the spa town of Harrogate is wired up to an electric machine used for the cure of frostbite and rheumatism, circa 1910.

Electric water baths for better blood circulation in 1938:

A young woman holds her arms and legs in four water bathes with electric current, to improve blood circulation, circa 1938.
A young woman holds her arms and legs in four water bathes with electric current, to improve blood circulation, circa 1938.


Red Cross workers stretch surgical dressings in 1915:

Women operate the new stretching machine for surgical dressing at the Red Cross headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, circa 1915.
Women operate the new stretching machine for surgical dressing at the Red Cross headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, circa 1915. 

An X-ray machine that was safer to operate, in 1929:

The modern Roentgen 'look through' machine, which prevents any injury to the treating physician, Frankfurt, Germany, circa 1929.
The modern Roentgen ‚look through‘ machine, which prevents any injury to the treating physician, Frankfurt, Germany, circa 1929.

Developing vaccines in 1917:

Typhoid vaccine at the U.S. Army Medical School, circa 1917.
Typhoid vaccine at the U.S. Army Medical School, circa 1917.

The 1912 version of a hazmat suit:

A doctor wears protective clothing during an outbreak of plague in Manchuria, circa 1912.
A doctor wears protective clothing during an outbreak of plague in Manchuria, circa 1912.

A medical college’s dissection room in 1902:

Partially dissected cadavers on tables in the dissecting room at the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, PA, circa 1902.
Partially dissected cadavers on tables in the dissecting room at the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, PA, circa 1902.

And the ultimate drama, medical theater, also 1902:

Surgeons gather around the operating table in the clinic amphitheater at the Jefferson Medical College Hospital, with spectators and medical students seated in the background, 1902.
Surgeons gather around the operating table in the clinic amphitheater at the Jefferson Medical College Hospital, with spectators and medical students seated in the background, 1902.


Misinformation Is the Biggest Threat to
Ending This Pandemic https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/blog/misinformation-is-the-biggest-threat-to-ending-this-pandemic/

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler – Antony Sutton https://archive.org/details/sutton-wall-street-and-hitler/page/n7/mode/1up

This is why the new right-wing Italian premier Giorgia Meloni, affiliated with well-known think thanks controlled by the Rockefeller Foundation such as her Defense Minister Guido Crosetto, leader of the Weapons Lobby, was among the first world rulers to adhere to the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration that the White House has strongly wanted and touted.

It announces the future strategies of a world health dictatorship based on three iron rules for this infinite pandemic and for the next ones: to increase the experimentation of messenger RNA biotechnologies, which multiple studies indicate as extremely dangerous for humans, to adopt a Eternal Green Pass for international travel and censoring all sources that even venture to hypothesize the suspicion that these strategies can seriously harm health.

This represents the basic platform for the birth of a new even more powerful “agency” that has already been designed by the World Health Organization, financed and controlled by Bill Gates as the Big Pharma of vaccines, and will be launched at the G7 of 2023 which will be held in Japan, in the city of Hiroshima.

After the atomic bomb that revolutionized international geopolitics and the arms market with the run-up to nuclear missiles, here is the “health bomb” which, with the excuse of the health of the most fragile, will legitimize further deprivation of freedom.

WEF’s Klaus Schwab Declared China a “Role Model” a Week before the Mass Anti-Lockdown Protests Broke Out




G20 Panel Calls for Global Digital Health Passports | „Let’s Have a Digital Health Certificate Acknowledged by WHO. If You Have Been Vaccinated or Tested Properly, Then You Can Move Around“ – WATCH – https://rumble.com/v23vbm6-the-great-reset-g20-panel-calls-for-global-digital-health.htm

Back to the Future


In its report, A Global Deal for Our Pandemic Age, the G20 High Level Independent Panel on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (the Panel) finds that the world remains very poorly equipped to prevent or contain future epidemics or pandemics. The Panel calls on the G20 and international community to move swiftly to close current shortfalls in the international COVID-19 response. However, the world cannot wait for COVID-19 to be over to make the global investments and reforms that are critically needed to head off future pandemics, which threaten to be more frequent and increasingly dangerous.

Infectious Diseases Epidemiiologist Martin Kulldorff stated in September 2021, that „to be a public health scientist during this pandemic is like living in a Kafka novel.“ Franz Kafka wrote novels which merged reality with fantasy in bizarre and disorienting stories.

Disorientations during the Covid pandemic came from trusted authorities such as governments and their agents, and large institutions such as World Health Organization (WHO). Almost all of them contradicted basic public health, and even their own recommendations such as WHO’s 2019 systematic review of evidence on responding to a viral respiratory pathogen which specifically stated against such measures as border closures, quarantine of healthy people and contact tracing, all of which are known to have no impact on transmission of airborne viruses whilst also creating enormous disruption to health outcomes in other ways.

One of the most obvious lies told by governments and their representatives, was the claim of „95% effective“. This video shows how this claim was used dishonestly. The Pfizer trial only tested efficacy for the first two months, after which vaccine effectiveness plummets, and ultimately leads to negative efficacy, meaning that the vaccinated are more likely to develop Covid than the unvaccinated. If you are seeing a lot of „Covid“ (which is not a disease requiring clinical diagnostic skill) now, then negative efficacy amongst the vaccinated is likely the reason why.

Why did governments do this to their own people? To answer this question you must look towards the financial reset being planned.

There are many elephants in the room with regards to the official narrative of Covid-19. Perhaps the biggest of all, is the uncertainty surrounding the existence of SARS-CoV-2. Many scientists know this to be true, but don’t want to go near the subject, through fear of reproach.

In this heavily-researched and cited interview with Dr. Kevin Corbett, we discuss the alleged isolation and purification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the efficacy of PCR Tests, the many historical parallels of Covid-19 with HIV/AIDS and other epidemics, and so much more.

Dr. Kevin P Corbett is a qualified nurse, health scientist and educator for the health professions. He has researched peoples‘ experiences of medical diagnosis and treatments for chronic health conditions, including HIV and AIDS. He has worked in hospital, community and forensic medical services since 1983, and in health sciences research since 1987.

Carter H, Drury J, Rubin GJ, Williams R, Amlôt R. Applying crowd psychology to develop recommendations for the management of mass decontamination. Health security.



At the beginning of the video, Bill Gates tells us how they plan to inject our children with Genetically Modified Organisms. At 14:07 in the video, Bill and Melinda Gates seem to gleefully imagine the next, more deadly pandemic and its effect on people’s attitudes towards their solutions.

Why was this video banned from YouTube?

Since the appearance of COVID-19 last year, we have been in a mad rush to develop a vaccine (forgoing typical safety trials) for a virus that turns out to have a 99.7% recovery rate. Why?

The World Health Organization warns that even after being vaccinated we will still need to wear masks. And, by the way, the vaccine may not prevent the further spread of the virus. Ok wait a minute, but we are believed vaccines do so because thats the whole point of a vaccine?

Not anymore now vaccines has changed thair claim and are now by definition for the prevention from death and bad outcomes in hospitalization.

That means that they’re knew from the beginning that Herdimmunity is never possible!

And just 0,01 % of the natural infected people are harmed by the virus.

Data suggests that Risk and illnesses are increased after the vaccine-roleout.

So why Bill Gates and other Stakeholder are so fanatic pushed to vaccinate the world with an experimental vaccine that may not even stop the spread of this virus? A vaccine, that „corporate media“ has told us has recorded 50 times the adverse reactions of the seasonal influenza vaccine. A virus that, „corporate media“ has told us, seems to have mutated twice already. This makes no sense at all!

With the preliminary adverse events being reported, by independent media, the vaccine has turn out to be more dangerous than the virus itself. And why aren’t we told that Bill Gates is a „VACCINE INVESTOR“ and NOT the „corporate media“ narrative that he’s a philanthropist who just loves humanity?

Bill Gates

Who is behind this heavily promoted campaign to vaccinate the entire world population? One of the most visible proponents is Bill Gates. Aside from being heavily invested in the vaccine industry and the World Health Organization, (and many other global initiatives that promote vaccines) how exactly is Bill Gates qualified to influence public health policy?

He is not an immunologist or even an elected official, yet for some reason, we look to him when setting public health policies. Bill Gates’s lengthy track record with mass vaccination campaigns in other countries has been disastrous, yet we still take his advice. Why!?

Did you know that there are lawmakers in the Italian government that believe Gates should be investigated for crimes against humanity and think his vaccination campaign is used as a depopulation program? Gates seems to be obsessed with global population levels and even stated in a well known Ted Talk that vaccines could be used to reduce the population. Really?

The excuse that Gates gave for such a comment is that by vaccinating, more children will live so parents will not need to have as many children to take care of them in their elder years. Does that answer make sense to you?

Many believe that Gates is actually part of an eugenics movement disguised as healthcare for underdeveloped countries. It is no secret that his family has ties with the eugenics movement of the 20th century. In fact, his father was very involved with Planned Parenthood, an organization which many believe is nothing more than an eugenics program.

The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margeret Sanger was a known casteist steeped in eugenics. Maybe this why almost 80% of all Planned Parenthood facilities are located within walking distance to the African American and Latino communities. If you do a little research on Margeret Sanger and Bill Gates Senior (don’t use Google, use Ecosia) you will find much more on this topic.

Did you know that the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association found anti-fertility agents in WHO vaccines administered in Africa? They took samples from all over the country and had them independently tested. Every one of the samples came back positive for the anti-fertility agent. This may seem unbelievable but it’s not like we haven’t used sterilization in the past.

Gates and his globalist agenda is not very popular in many other parts of the world either. Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote an article detailing all the damage that was done in developing countries around the world by Bill Gates and the organizations he heavily sponsors.

Bill Gates: How we can close the vaccine gap much faster next time

13. Okt. 2021To achieve vaccine equity, we need to do two things: change how the world allocates doses and increase the amount of vaccine doses being produced in… https://edition.cnn.com/2021/10/13/opinions/closing-vaccine-gap-faster-bill-gates/index.html



The Next Pandemic

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