Epstein, Covid-19 and the Jameel Institute


Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel KBE
Mohammed Jameel KBE Chairman
Abdul Latif Jameel

Mohammed Abdul Latif Jameel is Chairman, Abdul Latif Jameel, a collective of independent international, family-owned and diversified businesses, founded in 1945, by his father, the late Abdul Latif Jameel.

I was looking back into the Mohammad Jameel name that was found in Epstein’s black book. Search voat user Kestrel9 found that the figure was likely Mohammad Abdul Latif Jameel. He noted his connection to Muhammad Yunus and microfinance. Yunus‘ Grameen Foundation partners with the Adbul Latif Jameel Group to form Grameen-Jameel. Hillary Clinton has recently been trying to squash an investigation of Muhammad Yunus by the Bangladeshi government.


Mohammad Jameel is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Abdul Latif Jameel, a company his late father started.

Jameel also runs the Jameel Institute which focuses on researching diseases and emergencies. It employs Neil Ferguson who wrote a report with researchers from Imperial college that predicting 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. from Covid-19.


These ridiculous numbers were used to justify draconian lockdowns and pandemic policies. Imperial College and Community Jameel collaborated to form a group J-IDEA (Abdul Latif Jameel Institute Disease and Emergency Analytics) which Neil Ferguson took part in. Neil was fired as advisor to the UK government after it was found that his married lover broke lockdown rules to visit him twice in his home. So rather than believing his own extreme predictions he ignored lockdown rules for a booty call. Neil is currently hyping up the Pirola variant to (presumably) try to get another round of lockdowns.

CNN London

A leading epidemiologist who advised the UK government on its coronavirus response resigned from his government post on Tuesday, after the Telegraph newspaperrevealed he broke the lockdown rules he helped shape by allowing his reported lover to visit his home.

Professor Neil Ferguson, who is based at Imperial College in London, is one of the architects of the UK government’s stay-at-home strategy and was a prominent member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) which has been spearheading the country’s coronavirus response. 

The Telegraph reported Tuesday that a woman whom it described as his married lover had visited Ferguson’s home in London at least twice despite social distancing guidelines.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock told Sky News that he was left speechless by the “extraordinary” revelation and that Ferguson had taken the right decision in resigning from his advisory position.

Bizarrely, Neil Ferguson was claimed to be the author of an email talking about permanent lockdowns in the UK. Imperial College London called it fake and said, “We will take action against anyone who threatens or abuses our staff, as well as those who spread false and defamatory claims.” Some aspects of the email certainly came to pass such as the massive censorship on social media of any anti-lockdown or anti-vaccine rhetoric. Some of it sounded really crazy such as the issuing of stay-at-home tracking bracelets. I was surprised to find that such bracelets were tested in Bulgaria. The emails claim of making the elderly take the dangerous drug Midazolam also checks out. I found this an interesting twist in an already strange story.

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