This is not a Vaccine by Definition !

Point of View

No Person or artificial algorithm or even all money and all the smartest people in the world together have the capacity or the potential to create a vaccine in 100 days that is safe and effective!

Nobody and nothing can do this!

Because the timeframe is the Clou of safe and effective that allows the professional and carefully acting scientist to study and proof the material of his outcomes.

To Take Time means you take care and that costs a lot of money, clearly!

So you can’t change the direction and put the same money in a shorter time periode to have the same Result of Quality!

Thats is physically Impossible and in the real world of good manufacturing practice Undisputed!

Quantity and Quality are firmly connected to each other in an inesitable relationship. Like the Moon to the Earth or Quantum mechanics. That means if you change a composition on the one side you always change the direction at the other side!

Why we have reached the point where we have forgotten the simplest things such as logical thinking and lost touch with reality?

Phases of vaccine development & approval
8-17 years

CEPI launches 100-day vaccine “moonshot”

Medical inventor and author David Martin proves that the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are not vaccines by medical definition and how Big Pharma is using national and state emergency authorizations to force these untested gene-chemo-therapies onto the population.

David E. Martin Speaker, Author, Fully Human

‘Butterfly’ of the Week: Hidden in Plain Sight…


Lets get back to history

The involvement of health practitioners in conceptualizing, initiating, and implementing Nazi mass murder remains an unparalleled case of medicine and public health’s participation in genocide.2 By January 1933, more than half of the German medical profession had joined the Nazi Party and many participated in the murder of Jews, Sinti, and Roma; the disabled; the mentally ill; and other “unfit” persons under the guise of improving public health and Rassenhygiene (racial hygiene, the German version of eugenics).3,4

Doctors in Germany became tightly integrated into the Nazi Party and supportive of its ideals. During the Weimar period, a large number of German doctors were unemployed or under-employed and witnessed a decline in their honor and prestige. The Nazi Party seemed like an organization that could reestablish physicians with the power and status they had lost. In 1929, physicians within Germany formed Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Ärtzebund (The National Socialist German Physicians’ League) and unified the goals of physicians and the State. Physicians joined the Nazi Party both earlier and in larger numbers than any other group of professionals. As the historian Michael Kater writes, “Physicians became Nazified more thoroughly and much sooner than any other profession, and as Nazis they did more in service of the nefarious regime than any of their extraprofessional peers.”3(p4–5) By 1942, 38 000 physicians had joined the Nazi Party. In addition, the Nazi Physicians League began a process of removing Jewish physicians from the medical profession in March 1933, and in April 1933 a law was passed forbidding Jewish physician civil servants from practicing medicine at universities and hospitals throughout Germany.3

Physicians further medicalized Nazi ideology by propagating the “science” that formed the foundation of a supposed truth. By portraying or certifying Jews and other peoples as racially, physically, or mentally unfit, physicians and government officials claimed to be cleansing Germany of the hereditarily imperfect and the weak. Nazi physicians rose to power and prestige as they used their skills to treat a supposed “racial” sickness that threatened to contaminate the Volkskörper (body of the German people). Cooperation between the Nazis and health practitioners added powerful justification and facilitated a State-run program of forced sterilization and murder that would have been much harder to accomplish without the willing participation of physicians. What began as purification would ultimately lead to genocide.

Conflict of interest?

When the Inventor of an patented Viruses or an replicate defective infectious clone are in Place at the texpayer fundet laboratory by CDC or NIH and work at the same time duel-use to create a vaccine or treatment against that „virus“ as an pharmaceutical company I can see clearly an conflict of interest…?!

Because an outbreak can made millions of dollars for the company and the patent holder that are in place…

Since 1999, at least 4,000 patents involving coronavirus have been filed, including patents detailing key features of the so-called “novel” SARS-CoV-2 virus. In 2002, Ralph Baric, Ph.D. and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, filed a patent on recombinant coronavirus, and within a year, we got the world’s first SARS outbreak. In […]

And the doing good mutated to a doing bad!

In the wrong hands you can use this technology As blackmail for entire populations.

And in my opinion this is what we see…

Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Preparedness for a High-Impact Respiratory Pathogen Pandemic
September 2019

DARPA’s Early Investment in COVID-19 Antibody Identification Producing Timely Results

PReemptive Expression of Protective Alleles and Response Elements

Dr. Shannon Greene

ADvanced Acclimation and Protection Tool for Environmental Readiness (ADAPTER) Proposers Day

Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) East Coast Proposers Da

News, Background and Comment on Chemical and Biological Weapons Issues
ISSUE NO. 71 MAY 2006
Quarterly Journal of the Harvard Sussex Program on CBW Armament and Arms Limitation
Reid Kirby
Project Manager, TALX Corporation

Let’s finish one more thought. Let’s imagine that we are not only close friends with the pharmaceutical industry but also with the Ministry of Defense and the federal government. And let’s now imagine that we are in trouble with regulatory authorities because our background of safety issues was not work so well.

CDC Shuts Down US Military’s Deadly Diseases Lab Over Safety Concerns

Hello conflict of interests !

Laboratories in China and all over the world?

If you don’t understand each other and stand at the brink of war, why do you run bioweapon-

laboratories together with exactly these countrie?

Ok and why you denying an accident or release Although that this is so clear from genomesequencing and patents as well as money transaction and state documents that exactly that was done…

Guilty in the sense of the indictment!

Why “We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques (mRNA software)to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology the same way in which we write a software and program computers.” Execute Order

There are many elephants in the room with regards to the official narrative of Covid-19. Perhaps the biggest of all, is the uncertainty surrounding the existence of SARS-CoV-2. Many scientists know this to be true, but don’t want to go near the subject, through fear of reproach.

In this heavily-researched and cited interview with Dr. Kevin Corbett, we discuss the alleged isolation and purification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the efficacy of PCR Tests, the many historical parallels of Covid-19 with HIV/AIDS and other epidemics, and so much more.

Dr. Kevin P Corbett is a qualified nurse, health scientist and educator for the health professions. He has researched peoples‘ experiences of medical diagnosis and treatments for chronic health conditions, including HIV and AIDS. He has worked in hospital, community and forensic medical services since 1983, and in health sciences research since 1987.

Dr David E Martin is the Founder and Chairman of M-CAM International and is a Batten Fellow of the University of Virginia. His experience includes founding the first medical device clinical trials center at UVA while on the medical school faculty in radiology and orthopedic surgery. His work with global investigation of biological and chemical weapons was done through his company Mosaic Technologies in which he led numerous defense to civilian technology transfer programs with the world’s largest companies and countries. His work includes publications and academic appointments in medicine, law, and economics. His firm M-CAM was responsible for leading investigation and supporting prosecution of some of the largest financial frauds in U.S. history as a contractor for the U.S. Treasury.

Dave wrote his first classified briefing about bio-weapons corruption in 2001, and has been presenting lectures at bio-weapons conferences since then. He has been tracking Dr Anthony Fauci’s spending and notes that Fauci has authorised $191 billion in funds for the bio-weaponisation of viruses against humanity.

In April 2021 he published the Fauci Dossier public document, 205 pages, 22 years of research for humanity to use and prosecute, and in November 2021 his presentation SLIDES contained the COVID profiteers.

Please watch David’s excellent speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 13 September 2023 here

Why we have to SAY NO to the WHO!?

  • If the WHO Pandemic Agreement passes in May, (in a nut shell) the WHO will gain the power to “suspend all civil liberties” in the event that it arbitrarily decides to declare a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) 

“[Covid was used to] terrorise the world, convince them that we need some giant protector state that actually has some sort of supranational ability, and then suspend civil liberties as long as they need to be suspended… at the whim of funding agencies who have no criminal accountability.

“These things are set up to be terror campaigns, to modify the public’s willingness to give up their liberties.”Dave Martin

  • There doesn’t have to be any evidence for the WHO to declare and emergency, there is no standard for what constitutes the emergency, and they have complete liability protection. “They wrote absolute immunity from all prosecution into their charter

In respect of words spoken or written or acts done by them in the performance of their official functions, immunity of legal process of every kind, such immunity to continue notwithstanding that the persons concerned are no longer serving on committees of, or employed on missions for, the Organization;

WHO Constitution: CONVENTION ON PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES, Annex VII clause 2(i)(b), Page 39 – PDF


Lets follow some facts…



The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene encoding polyproteins comprising a mutation in one or more of non-structural protein(s) (nsp)-10, nsp-14, nsp-15 or nsp-16. The coronavirus may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject.


The present invention relates to an attenuated coronavirus comprising a variant replicase gene, which causes the virus to have reduced pathogenicity. The present invention also relates to the use of such a coronavirus in a vaccine to prevent and/or treat a disease.


Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), the aetiological agent of infectious bronchitis (IB), is a highly infectious and contagious pathogen of domestic fowl that replicates primarily in the respiratory tract but also in epithelial cells of the gut, kidney and oviduct. IBV is a member of the Order Nidovirales, Family Coronaviridae, Subfamily Corona virinae and Genus Gammacoronavirus; genetically very similar coronaviruses cause disease in turkeys, guinea fowl and pheasants.

Clinical signs of IB include sneezing, tracheal rales, nasal discharge and wheezing. Meat-type birds have reduced weight gain, whilst egg-laying birds lay fewer eggs and produce poor quality eggs. The respiratory infection predisposes chickens to secondary bacterial infections which can be fatal in chicks. The virus can also cause permanent damage to the oviduct, especially in chicks, leading to reduced egg production and quality; and kidney, sometimes leading to kidney disease which can be fatal.

IBV has been reported to be responsible for more economic loss to the poultry industry than any other infectious disease. Although live attenuated vaccines and inactivated vaccines are universally used in the control of IBV, the protection gained by use of vaccination can be lost either due to vaccine breakdown or the introduction of a new IBV serotype that is not related to the vaccine used, posing a risk to the poultry industry.

Further, there is a need in the industry to develop vaccines which are suitable for use in ovo, in order to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of vaccination programmes. A major challenge associated with in ovo vaccination is that the virus must be capable of replicating in the presence of maternally-derived antibodies against the virus, without being pathogenic to the embryo. Current IBV vaccines are derived following multiple passage in embryonated eggs, this results in viruses with reduced pathogenicity for chickens, so that they can be used as live attenuated vaccines. However such viruses almost always show an increased virulence to embryos and therefore cannot be used for in ova vaccination as they cause reduced hatchability. A 70% reduction in hatchability is seen in some cases.

Attenuation following multiple passage in embryonated eggs also suffers from other disadvantages. It is an empirical method, as attenuation of the viruses is random and will differ every time the virus is passaged, so passage of the same virus through a different series of eggs for attenuation purposes will lead to a different set of mutations leading to attenuation. There are also efficacy problems associated with the process: some mutations will affect the replication of the virus and some of the mutations may make the virus too attenuated. Mutations can also occur in the S gene which may also affect immunogenicity so that the desired immune response is affected and the potential vaccine may not protect against the required serotype. In addition there are problems associated with reversion to virulence and stability of vaccines.

It is important that new and safer vaccines are developed for the control of IBV. Thus there is a need for IBV vaccines which are not associated with these issues, in particular vaccines which may be used for in ovo vaccination.

Patent trail

1993 – Wo1993023422A1 = methods vaxing Corona Felines #SmithKline Pharna

2002 – Wo2002086068A2 = SARS CoV 1 UNC Health USA

2005 – Wo2005049814A2 = Pneumonia Causing Virus France

2005 – Wo2005060520A3 = antibodies Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

2005 – WO2005081716A2 = DNA SARS John Hopkins University

2009 – Wo2009051837A3 = Vax nanotech #MIT & #Harvard

2015 – Wo2015143335A1 = Chimeric Spike Protein UNC Health, University of Chapel Hill, Ralph BARIC

2017 – Wo2017044507A2 = MERS-CoV Nanoparticle therapeutics

Wo2017049245A2 = Intracellular Triple Helix Moderna

Wo2020060606A1 = Crypto mining people @ $MSFT

Wo2022034572A1 = POLICY prioritizing jabs Israel

David E. Martin proved that since 1999, 73 patents back that SARS-CoV-2 is not a wild novel virus but a weaponized chimeric lab-created virus.

Listen to highly credentialed doctors and scientists with no conflicts of interest who will share their knowledge and experience on the Covid-19 pandemic and the Covid vaccines from a variety of different perspectives.

Host: Julie Booras, Health Rights MA Intro (Go to Massachusetts Residents: TAKE ACTION HERE to send a letter to your legislators:
A huge thank you to all our speakers from WeThePeople50 (
Senator PeterDurant (1:00)
Ernesto Ramirez, Lost his 16 year old son to Pzifer vaccine (6:00)
Dr. Peter McCullough, MD Cardiologist (12:00)
Brianne Dressen, Vaccine Injured Injured Preschool Teacher, Co-founder (18:00)
Dr. Ryan Cole MD, Pathologist (26:00)
Dr. James Thorpe, MD OB/Gyn (46:00)
John Beaudoin, Systems Analyst (1:08)
Kevin McKernan, Genomics Specialist (01:23)
Dr. Christina Parks, PhD Molecular Biologist (1:35)
Dr. Janci Lindsay, PhD Toxicologist, Molecular Biologist (1:46)
Sasha Latypova, Pharma Regulatory Specialist (1:57)
Dr. Reni Moon, MD Pediatrician (2:11)

Massachusetts Vaccine Injury Stories :
Trevor Dillman 2:25
Anastasia Santos (2:33)
Donna Rodriguez (2:39)
Deborah Tata (2:45)
Marisa Pease (2:52)
Merry Gammons (2:57)

History of EUA – Emergency Use Authorization

Vaccine under fire

Aaron Siri, the lead counsel for ICAN, delivered compelling testimony at the Arizona Novel COVID South Western Intergovernmental Committee (NCSWIC), an important platform dedicated to addressing the challenges and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and charting a path forward. From


Four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, PHMPT submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file. PHMPT has now sued the FDA for not releasing the data. Click below for court documents and for productions of Pfizer’s documents from the FDA

Covid-19 Vaccine Expert Panel Briefing to the Massachusetts Legislature and Public Health Officials


Remdesivir the first Emergency Use authorized Medical Product by the FDA or CDC not only haven’t any benefit, but it also has a horrific safety profile.

Conclusions: Deterioration of liver and kidney function are frequently observed ADEs with remdesivir!

Of course, the infamous Ebola trial that showed the true deadly profile of this drug:

“However, six months into the Ebola study, the trial’s Safety Review Board suddenly pulled both remdesivir and ZMapp from the trial. 12 Remdesivir, it turned out, was hideously dangerous. Within 28 days, subjects taking Remdesivir had lethal side effects including multiple organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock, and hypotension, and 54 percent of the remdesivir group died—the highest mortality rate among the four experimental drugs. 13”

Combine renal failure with intubation and that is what padded the “excess deaths” of the Covid-19 “pandemic.”

Therefore, when the MSM comes out with claims that Remdesivir has no benefit, what they are really doing is engaging in a coverup. BigPharma, FDA, CDC, WHO, NIH, Pentagon, et al. all knew the true “safety” profile of this deadly drug.

No budget in the world has the competence to create safe and effective vaccines from 10-15 Years of safty studys and correction to 100 days to handout! Thats not only 100% unscientific but it’s also 100% unprofessionally and Negligent .

“IBM was the solutions company and their mandate was to bring in any solution the customer wanted, including the final solution,” he says. “IBM continues to cling to the hope that the world will forget that it co-planned and co-organized all six stages of the holocaust.”

The prisoner, classified as a misfit or “asocial,” according to the Germans, was located at the Dachau concentration camp. The decoding key shows the prisoner could have also been classified as a homosexual, Jew, or Gypsy. There were also other options describing the “method of departure.”

IBM now has an executive dedicated to corporate citizenship and is recognized by many as one the world’s most ethical and progressive companies. Its Corporate Service Corps program puts exceptional employees into developing countries to work on local projects to improve water quality and disaster preparedness. IBM has been ranked first by Business Ethics magazine on its annual top 100 Best Corporate Citizens list, and in 2011 Corporate Responsibility Magazine’s list ranked it as the third best corporate citizen.

The Link between the Rockefeller Foundation and Racial Hygiene in Nazi Germany
By Lia Weintraub

I swear they did it again they have the motiv they used the same tactics abd they have the history to be complicit in crime against humanity!

Cleveland Clinic and IBM Unveil First Quantum Computer Dedicated to Healthcare Research

IBM Quantum System One deployed at Cleveland Clinic as part of landmark 10-year partnership

All by design and protocol!

So this engineered algorithms and they’re architects can decide who may live and who have to die!

That’s horrific!

Massage from the World Council for Health

What is plasmid DNA?

Some documents about plasmids and the dna contaminations of the so called COVID-19 vaccines

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad (AP), India 500007
Abstract: One of the steps that limit transfection efficiency in non-viral gene delivery is inefficient nuclear import of plasmid DNA, once it has been delivered into the cytoplasm. Recently, via microinjection into the cytoplasm and in situ hybridizations into a few cell types, it was shown that a region of Simian virus 40(SV40), specifically a c. 372-bp fragment of SV40 genomic DNA encompassing the SV40 promoter-enhancer-origin of replication (SV40 DTS), could enable the nuclear import of a plasmid carrying these sequences (Dean D.A. Exp. Cell Res. 230 (1997) 293). In this report, we address the issue of the suitability of the SV40 DTS for cationic lipid-mediated gene delivery, and its capacity to improve the efficiency of the transfection process. For this study, we used transient reporter gene expression assays on various cell types. The gene expression from the plasmid constructs carrying the SV40 DTS varied with cell type and plasmid construct used. Such cell-type and plasmid-construct dependency on gene expression from plasmids containing the SV40 DTS suggests that the gene expression from plasmids is not entirely dependent on its ability to enhance the nuclear import of said plasmids.

  • Corresponding author, tel: +91-40-7192552, fax: +91-40-7160591/ 7160311 e-mail:
    Abbreviations used: β-gal – β-galactosidase; CLDC – cationic lipid DNA complexes; Chol – cholesterol; CMV – Cytomegalo virus; DHDEAB – N,Ndi-( n-hexadecyl)-N,N- di(hydroxyethyl)ammonium bromide; DTS – DNA nuclear targeting sequence; DMEM – Dulbecco’s modified eagles medium; HEPES-HBSS – HEPES buffered Hank’s balanced salt solution; EBNA1 – EBV nuclear antigen 1; EBV – Epstein Barr virus; luc or lux – Luciferase; NLS – nuclear localization sequence; NPC – nuclear pore complexes; PBS – phosphate buffered saline; SV40 DTS – SV40 promoter-enhancer-origin; SV40 – Simian virus 40; TNF-α − tumor necrosis factor-α; TPA – 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol -13- acetate.
Why the logo from Boehringer Ingelheim
seams like a Nazi concentration camp?


The early years of mRNA research were marked by a lot of enthusiasm for the technology but some difficult technical challenges that took a great deal of innovation to overcome.

The biggest challenge was that mRNA would be taken up by the body and quickly degraded before it could “deliver” its message—the RNA transcript—and be read into proteins in the cells.

The solution to this problem came from advances in nanotechnology: the development of fatty droplets (lipid nanoparticles) that wrapped the mRNA like a bubble, which allowed entry into the cells. Once inside the cell, the mRNA message could be translated into proteins, like the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, and the immune system would then be primed to recognize the foreign protein.


The first mRNA vaccines using these fatty envelopes were developed against the deadly Ebola virus, but since that virus is only found in a limited number of African countries, it had no commercial development in the U.S.


the Remember, the COVID-19 pandemic spurred manufacturers to develop dozens of potential vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 and brought tremendous increases in funding. Some of those vaccines used traditional methods involving adenovirus as the spike protein delivery system—such as the Johnson & Johnson vector vaccine.

Thanks to decades of research and innovation, mRNA vaccine technology was ready. With COVID, this technology got its moment and has proved to be extremely safe and effective. Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is the first mRNA product to achieve full FDA approval in the U.S.

(So much lies in this Text from the John Hopkins University.

1. They never archieve full FDA approval forthe product. These Vaccines only licensed under Emergency Use Authorization EUA.


Already, vaccine manufacturers are developing mRNA vaccines to protect against other respiratory viruses such as the flu. Moderna is exploring applications of the technology to protect against HIV.

It’s a new era for vaccine technology and production, and a testament to scientific progress and decades of research.

Chris Beyrer, MD, MPH ’91, is the Desmond M. Tutu Professor of Public Health and Human Rights and director of the Center for Public Health and Human Rights at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Aerosol Delivery of Gene Transfer Vectors

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Gene therapies which utilise modified viruses or plasmid DNA (pDNA), to re-introduce functional copies of defective or mutated genes, are being investigated for the treatment of a wide range of lung diseases including cystic fibrosis (CF), cancer and alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency (Gill et al., 2004).

The relative accessibility of the pulmonary epithelium makes aerosol delivery of gene therapy formulations an attractive possibility, allowing non-invasive application to target cells within the lung whilst minimising the risks associated with systemic delivery.

Following identification of the gene responsible for CF in 1989 (Riordan et al., 1989) the disease has served as a paradigm for gene therapy in general and aerosol gene therapy in particular. To date there have been ~30 Phase I/II gene therapy clinical trials for CF including 8 trials incorporating aerosol delivery (of gene transfer agents) to the lungs of CF patients as a key component of the study (Griesenbach et al., 2009).

Emerging significance of plasmid DNA nuclear import in gene therapy.

Munkonge FMDean DAHillery EGriesenbach UAlton EW

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews

Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2003 Jun 16;55(6):749-60.

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The signal-mediated import of plasmid DNA (pDNA) into nondividing mammalian cell nuclei is one of the key biological obstacles to nonviral therapeutic pDNA delivery. Overcoming this barrier to pDNA transfer is thus an important fundamental objective in gene therapy. Here, we outline the rationale behind current and future strategies for signal-mediated pDNA nuclear import. Results obtained from studies of the nuclear delivery of pDNA coupled to experimentally defined nuclear localisation signal (NLS) peptides, in conjunction with detergent-permeabilised reconstitution cell assays, direct intracellular microinjection, cell-based transfection, and a limited number of in vivo experiments are discussed.

Go Back to Publications     View on Pubmed (12788538)    View on Google Scholar

Other Publications by these authors

Identification and functional characterization of cytoplasmic determinants of plasmid DNA nuclear import.
Munkonge FM et al. The Journal Of Biological Chemistry (2009)
Assessment of CFTR function after gene transfer in vitro and in vivo.
Griesenbach U et al. Methods In Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) (2008)
Anti-inflammatory gene therapy directed at the airway epithelium.
Griesenbach U et al. Gene Therapy (2000)
Measurement of halide efflux from cultured and primary airway epithelial cells using fluorescence indicators.
Munkonge FM et al. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (2004)

Covid was never about health
this was about Control!

Carter H, Drury J, Rubin GJ, Williams R, Amlôt R. Applying crowd psychology to develop recommendations for the management of mass decontamination. Health security. 2015;13(1):45-53.

Hate speech, volition, and neurology

Alexandra B. Roginsky, Alexander Tsesis

Journal of Law and the Biosciences, Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2016, Pages 174–177,

Published: 16 December 2015

Jeffrey Epstein’s biggest client had deserted him, his money management firm had lost more than $150 million during the financial crisis, and he was a registered sex offender. But after he started a new company with a wildly speculative business plan in 2012, Mr. Epstein had no problem pulling in cash.

[Jeffrey Epstein’s charity: An image boost built on deception.]

His start-up, Southern Trust, reported more than $200 million in revenues over the next five years, according to a review of previously unreported financial statements filed in the Virgin Islands.

Despite a name that calls to mind a financial services firm, the fledgling company with a handful of employees said it was developing a DNA data-mining service. Southern Trust was trying to gauge customers’ predisposition to cancer by “basically organizing mathematical algorithms,” Mr. Epstein told Virgin Islands officials as he sought a lucrative tax break in 2012.

The Heroes of CRISPR
Eric S. Lander
Open Archive
PlumX Metrics

EXC: Bill Gates Foundation Funded Genomics Firm ‘Mining’ DNA Data Through COVID Tests.

Bill Gates, China, 23andMe, and Your DNA

Gates Foundation Hired PR Firm to Manipulate UN Over Gene Drives

Who is Ghislaine Maxwell’s ‚husband‘ Scott Borgerson – and where is he now?

Connect the dots from Bill Gates & Microsoft to Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein

Carter H, Drury J, Rubin GJ, Williams R, Amlôt R. Applying crowd psychology to develop recommendations for the management of mass decontamination. Health security. 2015;13(1):45-53.


At 8:30 of the video, Bill Gates tells us how they plan to inject our children with Genetically Modified Organisms. At 23:15 in the video, Bill and Melinda Gates seem to gleefully imagine the next, more deadly pandemic and its effect on people’s attitudes towards their solutions.

Why was this video banned from YouTube?

Since the appearance of COVID-19 last year, we have been in a mad rush to develop a vaccine (forgoing typical safety trials) for a virus that turns out to have a 99.7% recovery rate. Why?

The World Health Organization warns that even after being vaccinated we will still need to wear masks. And, by the way, the vaccine may not prevent the further spread of the virus. Ok wait a minute, but we are believed vaccines do so because thats the whole point of a vaccine?

Not anymore now vaccines has changed thair claim and are now by definition for the prevention from death and bad outcomes in hospitalization.

That means that they’re knew from the beginning that Herdimmunity is never possible!

And just 0,01 % of the natural infected people are harmed by the virus.

Data suggests that Risk and illnesses are increased after the vaccine-roleout.

So why Bill Gates and other Stakeholder are so fanatic pushed to vaccinate the world with an experimental vaccine that may not even stop the spread of this virus? A vaccine, that „corporate media“ has told us has recorded 50 times the adverse reactions of the seasonal influenza vaccine. A virus that, „corporate media“ has told us, seems to have mutated twice already. This makes no sense at all!

With the preliminary adverse events being reported, by independent media, the vaccine has turn out to be more dangerous than the virus itself. And why aren’t we told that Bill Gates is a „VACCINE INVESTOR“ and NOT the „corporate media“ narrative that he’s a philanthropist who just loves humanity?

Bill Gates

Who is behind this heavily promoted campaign to vaccinate the entire world population? One of the most visible proponents is Bill Gates. Aside from being heavily invested in the vaccine industry and the World Health Organization, (and many other global initiatives that promote vaccines) how exactly is Bill Gates qualified to influence public health policy?

He is not an immunologist or even an elected official, yet for some reason, we look to him when setting public health policies. Bill Gates’s lengthy track record with mass vaccination campaigns in other countries has been disastrous, yet we still take his advice. Why!?

Did you know that there are lawmakers in the Italian government that believe Gates should be investigated for crimes against humanity and think his vaccination campaign is used as a depopulation program? Gates seems to be obsessed with global population levels and even stated in a well known Ted Talk that vaccines could be used to reduce the population. Really?

The excuse that Gates gave for such a comment is that by vaccinating, more children will live so parents will not need to have as many children to take care of them in their elder years. Does that answer make sense to you?

Many believe that Gates is actually part of an eugenics movement disguised as healthcare for underdeveloped countries. It is no secret that his family has ties with the eugenics movement of the 20th century. In fact, his father was very involved with Planned Parenthood, an organization which many believe is nothing more than an eugenics program.

The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margeret Sanger was a known casteist steeped in eugenics. Maybe this why almost 80% of all Planned Parenthood facilities are located within walking distance to the African American and Latino communities. If you do a little research on Margeret Sanger and Bill Gates Senior (don’t use Google, use Ecosia) you will find much more on this topic.

Did you know that the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association found anti-fertility agents in WHO vaccines administered in Africa? They took samples from all over the country and had them independently tested. Every one of the samples came back positive for the anti-fertility agent. This may seem unbelievable but it’s not like we haven’t used sterilization in the past.

Gates and his globalist agenda is not very popular in many other parts of the world either. Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote an article detailing all the damage that was done in developing countries around the world by Bill Gates and the organizations he heavily sponsors.

Die Grüne Revolution

Factsheet – The IMF and the Sustainable Development Goals
We must innovate out of COVID to reach the 2030 global goals | World Economic Forum
World Bank Group and The 2030 Agenda
WEF, the United Nations and SDGs

Genocide, Public Health and Scientific Racism

Human dignity in the Nazi era: implications for contemporary bioethics
doi: 10.1186/1472-6939-7 -2

Hate speech, volition, and neurology

Alexandra B. Roginsky, Alexander Tsesis

Journal of Law and the Biosciences, Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2016, Pages 174–177,

Published: 16 December 2015

Science and human behavior

Burrhus Frederic Skinner, Simon and Schuster, 1965

The psychology classic—a detailed study of scientific theories of human nature and the possible ways in which human behavior can be predicted and controlled—from one of the most influential behaviorists of the twentieth century and the author of Walden Two.“This is an important book, exceptionally well written, and logically consistent with the basic premise of the unitary nature of science. Many students of society and culture would take violent issue with most of the things that Skinner has to say, but even those who disagree most will find this a stimulating book.”—Samuel M. Strong, The American Journal of Sociology “This is a remarkable book—remarkable in that it presents a strong, consistent, and all but exhaustive case for a natural science of human behavior… It ought to be… valuable for those whose preferences lie with, as well as those whose preferences stand against, a behavioristic approach to human activity.”—Harry Prosch, Ethics

Google Scholar

The next pandemic…

Bill Gates: How we can close the vaccine gap much faster next time

13. Okt. 2021To achieve vaccine equity, we need to do two things: change how the world allocates doses and increase the amount of vaccine doses being produced in…

What is ‚bioconvergence‘ and is it the future of science? We call this new scientific megatrend bioconvergence because it harnesses a diverse mix of experts, processes, and technologies across biotech, … 04.01.2023.

7 Antworten zu „This is not a Vaccine by Definition !”.

  1. […] and Rockefeller using their influence to set agenda in poor states? Follow the Evidence… This is not a Vaccine by Definition ! WHO, Gavi, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Expanded […]


  2. […] This is not a Vaccine by Definition ! Follow the Evidence… […]


  3. […] and Nazism Examining Nazi Environmentalism During Earth Week This is not a Vaccine by Definition ! 🚨The Nazis […]


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